Monday, July 19, 2010

Another Playdate

We met Payton, Landon, and their mommies at the childrens museum.
Aylin looking at me through the "log holes"
Aylin and Payton sneaking a snack while waiting on Landon to come back from the potty.
Aylin and Payton in the back of the police car; lets hope this never really comes true :)
Rachel, Landon, Payton, Julianna, and Aylin playing in the water. This was right after Landon dumped a bucket of water over Payton's head :)
Landon was showing the girls how to make the bugs move; sweet boy.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Aylin received a gift certificate for Build-A-Bear for her birthday and we finally took her to make a bear. She and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, and I really think daddy did too :) I think the best part is that she is still loving on that bear everyday!!
P.S. I'm now all caught up on this blog ;)

Ribs, Horses, and Redbirds

Bobby was on vacation the week after the 4Th, and we were suppose to go to Chicago to visit Aunt Colleen; however, monetary funding was nowhere to be found so instead we hung out around home. We had a good week: went swimming as a family for the first time (thanks Mrs. Sheila), visited with friends at other congregations, drove to Lambert's to catch some rolls, became obsessed with campers (I see one in the distant future :), and had some good quality (just the 3 of us) family time. My favorite day was when we took Aylin downtown to eat some famous ribs, played with the horses, and took her to her first redbird game.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Sprinkler Park

We met our cousin Payton at the Sprinker Park in Collierville one morning. We got their around 10 and it was perfect just a few mom's with their young children. But we had to leave by lunch, way too many big kids. The girls sure did have a lot of fun though and were worn out afterwards.
Payton Renee and Aylin Jewel

Vacation Bible School

Our theme for VBS this year was Giants From Genesis. Above are pictures of the stage in the auditorium. Below are a few pictures of Aylin on different nights. We had a great turnout each night!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Happy 4th of July

Every year we go watch Southaven's fireworks with the friends from church. This year we were worried that AJ would be scared of them, but she wasn't at all. She had a blast with her friends and even stopped climbing long enough to see a few of the fireworks light up the sky.
Above: Garrison and Cannon, Aylin with Griffin, Reed, and Rachel

Watching fireworks!!

Hernando Bike Parade

We went to the Hernando Bike Parade with a group of friends from church. I love this pic of Aylin Jewel waving her American flag. Thanks to Mrs. Ashley for making us this tutu, letting us ride in her wagon, and making the shirts below with us!!
The back of Aylin and mommy's shirt; then the front of the shirts.
We had a photo shoot in our July 4th gear :)
After the parade, everyone picnics and watches a movie on the court house lawn!
A few of our friends and then below is a group shot :)

I'm Just Gonna Be Bad At This

Obviously, we are just too busy to work in this blog thing on a regular basis :) So catching up: on July 1, Aylin turned 14 months old. She has taken up to 3 consecutive steps a couple of times, but has not taken off walking yet. She still isn't really talking HOWEVER she can tell you what the dogs say and what the cows say :) She loves all animals-chases down cats, dogs, horses, geese, and tried to dive head first into a coy pond after the big pretty fish this afternoon! She also gets the point of thank you. What do I mean? Well, when you ask her to say thank you for something she just flashes you a BIG grin :)