Tuesday, October 30, 2012

6 Posts Rolled into One

So I am a little behind, what else is new? These 2 just keep me busy, and I LOVE IT!
Post 1: Our 1st Camping Trip
 Southaven had a family camp out that we got to participate in this year.  It was our very first time to camp as a family and we had to borrow a lot of supplies, but it was awesome!  Friday night we had a huge bonfire and a devotional period.  There is something truly spiritual about a large group of Christians singing praises to God around a campfire.  I can't wait until next years trip.  Here are a few pics from the trip.

Post #2: School
We spent 2 weeks reviewing over our first 5 letters: A, Y, L, I, N and discussed the number 5.  It was only suppose to be 1 week to review but...We really did not do much, Aylin wasn't in a school mood and we had a lot going on.  I didn't even take pictures of the different activities we did :(  We did some matching of capital letters to lowercase, reviewed our flashcards, etc.  Last week we started back slowly with the letter J and number 6.  We talked about Joshua and Jericho, and, of course, Jesus.

Post#3: Hilton Turned 4 Months Old!
He is holding his own bottle, does great holding his head up, can roll from his stomach to his back, and has started eating cereal!  I am still nursing but he does get a few supplement bottles of formula throughout the day.  Our day pretty much goes like this: H sleeps ALL night and wakes up between 7-8 to nurse.  He is awake for about 3 hours and then nurses again and gets a bowl of cereal mixed with an ounce of breastmilk.  He plays for about 30 mins and then goes down for a LONG nap, usually 3-4 hours.  When he wakes up, he nurses and gets a 2 oz supplement bottle of formula.  Plays for a while and takes a short nap, 30mins-hour, nurses again, plays, naps, and then gets a 6 oz formula bottle between 9:30-11:30 and goes to sleep for the night.  These pics are from his first feeding of cereal:

Post#4: Pumpkin Patch
Every year since Aylin was born we take a trip to Cedar Hill Farms to the pumpkin patch with family.
 Aylin LOVES riding the ponies.
 BFF/Cousins: Aylin and Payton.  They are 4 months apart.
 Hilton chilling on his 1st trip to the farm.
 The patch was disappointing this year because their crop died out.  So all they had were the little pie pumpkins, but the girls didn't mind.
 Miss Macey Jo :)
Aylin loved painting her and Hiltons pumpkins :)
 Aylin's hand monster and Hilton's foot ghost.

Post#5: Trunk or Treat
My Jessie and Woody :)
Our congregation always has a trunk-or-treat at someones house.  Aylin loves getting all the candy and seeing friends from the congregation all dressed up.
 The dessert Aylin and I made.
 Above: our trunk- Andy's Room from Toy Story.
Below: some friends in their costumes.
 In keeping with the Toy Story theme...Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head
 Aylin in her Jessie pajamas
 My sweet boy and his Kiki
 Aylin and her Michelle
 On the hayride:
A group shot of the kids:

Post#6: Some pics of our daily fun.
I love the way Hilton watches his big sister!
Above: Before Bible class one night :)
Below: Fun at the park.