Sunday, July 28, 2013

Middle of July/Lectureship Week

The last 2 weeks have been wonderful :) We have had our annual youth rally and then lectureship at the Southaven church of Christ and spent the week before that at Nesbit's VBS.  It has been very spiritually uplifting and the kids have been great!  Some of our kids got together and made treats for all the visiting speakers and although I did not get to hear all the lessons I wanted to, the ones I did hear were great.  Here are some shots from the lectureship, youth rally, and Nesbit's VBS:
 Hilton and Aylin Lectureship Week 2013
 Hilton helping out during lunch time and Aylin was so proud to be dressed like Emma W - lol
Aylin and the treats we made for the visiting speakers.
Hilton trying to hide from me and play with the sockets :(
Our youth rally speaker was Joe Wells this year; he did an awesome job!
Our CHAOS group at Nesbit's VBS

Some other things that have happened:
Hilton had his 1st haircut!
Aylin read her 1st words :) "I AM SAM, SAM I AM"
We played at the park.
 Hilton climbed the stairs for the 1st time:
 Our friend, Annalise, spent the day with us :)
They wore matching shirts :)
 Aylin just being silly:
 We had breakfast at Cracker Barrel and Hilton had eggs for the 1st time :)
 Aylin went to a swim party for her friend's birthday party.  It was super cute and fun!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

VBS Fun and More

Aylin: "Mommy, lets be crazy drivers!"
Hilton: laughs hysterically... :)
We kicked this week off with our VBS at the Southaven church of Christ.  Our theme this year was Great Feasts of the Bible.  It was Hilton's 1st VBS because this time last year I had not yet taken him to services.  He did not like it! LOL He whined and cried every night.  I think he might not have felt well because he normally loves Bible class and he loves his teachers.  But then he cried the first 5 minutes or so Sunday morning too and then last night at Nesbit's VBS he cried for the 10-15 minutes, so maybe we are going through that separation stage?  Aylin, on the other hand, loved every minute of VBS like she always does :) Here are a few shots from the week:
Aylin's Nana, Bobby's mom, wanted to know about VBS from Aylin's words so this is what we came up with the idea to take her picture with her craft and write down what she said class was about:
We also had another swim day with the Wilkes' family :)
We celebrated Krispy Kreme's birthday with our doughnut friends (Risters)
We dressed liked cows and went to Chik-fil-a for free food!
Hilton started pulling up on almost everything...YAY!  He did this on the day Aylin and I had some weird 24 hr virus.  We both had fevers and I literally felt like I had the flu, my whole body just ached.  It lasted for about 24 hrs and then was gone.
(left) Aylin enjoyed her story time with friends at the Knowledge tree. (right) Aylin did great on her school work this week.  Throughout the summer we have been reviewing over some of the things we learned this past year.  We bought a couple of fun workbooks and every other day she chooses one and does a couple of pages out of it.  They are geared towards working on cutting, pasting, and coloring.  She really struggles with scissors and the kid can't stand to color - lol.  I found a book that does color by letter pictures and she seems to like it, so maybe we can get past this "no coloring" phase.
We also had a CHAOS event and a MASH event this past week; it was a super busy but awesome week!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Beautiful July

It has been unseasonably cool for the first week in July in the Memphis area, and WE HAVE LOVED IT!  We have enjoyed spending some time outside and not being miserable and the nights have been, wait for it...COOL!  I took Aylin to her first drive-in movie and we were actually cuddled up under blankets!  She wanted us to wear matching pajamas, but unfortunately I do not have cute pajamas with characters and animals so we both wore black pj pants and "pinkish" shirts - lol!  It was a late night!  We did the kid's double feature and didn't get home until around 2:30AM, but it was worth it.  We had a lot of fun with our "boy cousins" (that is what she calls the Rister boys) and their family and the Huffs :)
Daddy had his last softball game.  We love going to watch the daddies play ball!  Aylin just enjoys playing with all her friends and then (on Tuesdays) going to eat at McCallisters with everyone because kids eat free - lol!  Our guys did well this season and we are so proud of them ;)  We love #24!
Our friends, the Ferrells, found this slide on sale and set it up for a play date!  Hilton slept through the whole thing but Aylin had a blast!  She told her daddy that she no longer wants a pool, she wants one of these!
Aylin is still loving story time at the Knowledge Tree on Tuesdays.  They read Red, White, and BOOM! this week in honor of Independence Day and made these cool placemats :) Here she is eating a 4th of July cupcake on top of her placemat.
We spent the 4th with our Church family like we do every year since working with Southaven :)  This was Hilton's first experience with fireworks and he wasn't scared at all!
Our CHAOS group did our first service project!  The kids made muffins and cards and passed them out to the widows and widowers Wednesday night after Bible class. 
Here are some random shots of Hilton.  We introduced feeding ourselves with silverware this week, he is crawling more and more on his feet, and when he wants to go outside he bangs on the backdoor :)
Aylin and Hilton took their first bath together! Hilton loves being able to splash his sister and myself with all the extra water now that he is out of the ducky tub :)
The young girls training class delivered their latest lessons and memory verses in front of all the women.  I love that Aylin is getting to do this and am so proud of her.  Next time they are going to work on leading the women in a song, she is very excited about this and has picked out Blue Skies and Rainbows.