Well this week was the official start to the newest stage in our lives. All my teacher friends returned to their classrooms and met their new students this week. While I loved my job, the people I worked with, and even the kids I helped to teach...I did not miss the start of a new school year. I do hope and pray that everyone has a successful year.
I had a wonderful 1st week as a SAHM. I began the week with a breakfast invite by some beautiful friends from church. We had a great breakfast and some much needed adult chit-chat about our kiddos and other random topics. I'm looking forward to the next spontaneous breakfast outing with the girls.
We attempted to fix our pool. It didn't go so great, but it is playable :) as Aylin decided to jump in while I was cooking lunch. I believe this was the 1st of many discipline opportunities.
This little man has decided to be more awake. I call this his THINKER pose. If you have seen Night at the Museum 2, I keep repeating "I'm thinking, I'm thinking, I'm thinking, I'm thinking."
These 2 girls are as spoiled as ever and like to rest on Aylin's things:
Aylin decided she likes to read again! We had been going through a stage where she would not even look at a book, much less let me read to her. This was breaking my heart because I really want her to LOVE reading. Thankfully, it has returned! Here she is reading The Lion King to her Simba (which was mine). Tonight she actually let her daddy read 3 books to her before bed :)
I love all the faces Hilton is making now:
This one is my favorite: He started smiling this week!
We had a play date at the Sprinkler Park with the cousins and Landon, and then a swimming play date at a "BIG POOL!" While my poor friends were in classrooms going over rules and procedures, we played in the water 3x this week!
Although I did not miss going back to work, I won't sugar coat the week. We had some bad moments. Aylin is throwing tantrums, has developed a seriously bad attitude, and can be super whiney. Hilton makes it hard to get things done when he just wants to be held. But I am very thankful I got to be with them this week instead of with "my other kids," even when we were all crying at the same time from the frustration of adjusting. It was truly a wonderful week for us with lots of little blessings, but most of all, I am thankful for the blessings of getting to be a part of little precious moments like this one: