This past week was a pretty sad one for us with the passing of our Tessie,
but this post is going to be all about the good stuff.
For R week we made robots! We made a robot out of blocks and made a Red Robot out of Rectangles and Rhombuses (or is it rhombi?) She loved that thing, it played with all of her toys and went everywhere with her. In fact, every time I put it back on the fridge she would get mad and say things like, "silly Red Robot, you have to play with me." :) I think I performed robot surgery daily! We also made R's out of rice (below).
Our Bible stories this week were about the Rainbow and God's promise, Rahab, and 10 plagues (our number of the week).
We went to my sister's for dinner and made Reindeer Cousins! Aylin and Hilton are on top and Payton and Macey are on the bottom.
Hilton and Aylin were super cute this week. Aylin did a lot of sharing and Hilton gave a lot of love: kisses and cuddles. :)
Oh, Aylin and I also made a snowman for the front door: