Tuesday, September 13, 2016


The kids started back to school!  Aylin is in the 2nd grade and Hilton is going to a 2 day a week preK.

I had my birthday!  Bobby took me out to The Cheesecake Factory and to a movie :) My very best friends from HS just happen to be in town from Chicago and DC, so we met a few times throughout the week to eat and hangout, and some of our HS basketball girls got together one night, and Aylin took me out for a pedicure ;)

Hilton got to go with Bobby to Polishing the Pulpit!  He absolutely LOVED his classes!

We even squeezed in a few last swim days!

Aylin hurt her ankle, even though she has no idea how.  She just started complaining one day and it just kept getting worse and worse and was swollen.  After 2 Drs visits they put her in her very first boot.