Thursday, March 4, 2010

I'm a 10 Monther!

On March 1st, I took AJ's 10 month pictures. I almost started to cry when I put Aylin Jewel's 10 month photo in her frame. She only has 1 more little circle to fill and then it is the big 1 year old rectangle. I can't believe it has been that long! She is doing wonderful other than she can't shake this cold that everyone else has had forever too. Bobby and I have had going on 3 weeks now! She is pushing herself up into a sitting position now, scooting across the floor on her bottom, rolling accross the floor, and scooting backwards on her tummy. She is still in size 3 diapers and is now eating step 3 foods. She has 4 teeth: the middle front two and the bottom middle two. She is still not very fond of her sippy cup though. The physical therapist says she is doing great (we are still going every 2 weeks for an hour). Aylin loves her playtime there! I have more updates to do but they will have to wait for another night, sorry we are a little behind.

1 comment:

Steph said...

She is precious! And I loved seeing ya'll in Knox...thanks for the memories. Love ya'll:)