Last week was great! We had a wonderful week of activities.
We spent a couple of days reviewing the letters in Aylin's name including the Q-tip tracing which she loved (above) and the snowman word scramble which was awesome (below)! Both of these were Pinterest ideas; have I mentioned how much I love Pinterest?
First, you scramble the letters. Each pile had the letters of one of her names.
Next, Aylin went one name at a time and unscrambled the letters to spell her name and lined them up.
Then, we color coded them. All the E's in her name one color and the L's another, etc. Finally, we turned them into snowmen with top hats and stick arms and hung them from the fan in the playroom. This was a great activity! Fun and a good review and you could do it with anything: hearts for Valentines day, bunnies for Spring, umbrellas in April...
Back in September we used Aylin and Hilton's hand, arm, and fingers to make a seasonal picture for fall. It hung on our fridge until Christmas time I loved it so much, so we made one for winter and talked about the season of winter. It is now on our fridge and will stay until we make one for Spring :)
The first day of "C" Week started out like most others. We watched some C videos on, read our C book, looked at flashcards of words that begin with C, traced C's on the dry erase board, and did "C" art. Then, we decided to COOK COLORFUL COOKIES!
Our Colorful Cookies.
Other activities of the week included a Caterpillar and Crocodile race:
Painting with a Car:
A Counting game (1. We labeled each section of the egg carton with a number and put a marker in the box. Our marker is a small glitter foam shape. 2. Close the lid and shake the box. 3. Open it up and say the number that the marker landed in. 4. Count up to that number, growl that many times, jump, clap, etc.) We plan on making these for the letters of the alphabet too. :
More C tracing and Coloring:
a trip to Cat Country at the Memphis Zoo:
and Cupcakes at GiGi's:
Hilton had busy fun week as well!
Hanging out:
with the Buttercup the Cool dog:
and SAT UP FOR THE 1st TIME!!!
Our Bible stories for C included the Cross of Calvary, Creation review,
and Joseph's Coat of Many Colors.
What a great, wonderful, loving-life week! We are truly blessed :)
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