Monday, January 27, 2014

Recent Sewing Projects

 I am so excited about these, they are not perfect BUT...My first pair of ruffle capris I made all by myself with instruction from Amanda Ferrell ;)  I also made an appliqué to match but still need to get a shirt to put it on - lol!
 Aylin's hedgehog dress after we met the Willis' pet hedgehog and Hilton's fox shirt.
I actually bought the red blanks before Thanksgiving and had fabric to do penguins on these, but all my morning sickness kept me from getting around to making the appliqués for them.  So instead we just did letter appliqués so they can wear them until it gets warm again.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

These Kiddos

This is a very common scene at my house; he doesn't always cry but he is CONSTANTLY at the fridge wanting inside of it.  My son eats all the time, or at least tries to eat all the time.  He will eat anything, too.  This picture was taken literally 1 hr after he had eaten breakfast: full sippy of milk, handful of grapes, and 2 chocolate chip muffins.  

 She is growing so fast and I CAN NOT believe she will be a Kindergartner in August!  This is really starting to get to me, but she seems excited about it.  She loves going to her PreK 2 days a week and doing her "play homeschool work" - (that is what she calls it).  In this picture, she is matching numbers to the correct number of dots.

It has been so bitterly cold here lately, but it seems once a week we get a beautiful day.  We LOVE spending the day outside and so does Louie :)

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The End of 2013

So I have been severely slacking in the blog department - lol - So here is a quick overview of the last 2 months.  I have been super super sick and tired all the time :( But it is all for a good reason, we are 13 weeks pregnant with baby #3.  Aylin is dead set that this is a baby girl, she has actually been telling people that mommy is having a baby girl randomly for over 6 months - crazy kid.  My morning (all day and night) sickness has been worse this time than it was with either of my previous 2 pregnancies.  I'll admit, I was secretly hoping that meant I was having twins but the ultrasound I had showed only one little baby.  I know that is probably for the best since I don't exactly have good pregnancies (I have had preeclampsia twice), but I was still a little disappointed.  Here is the only pic we have so far of baby #3, this was taken at 11 weeks and my due date is July 11th.  For those of you who can't read ultrasounds, that little blob, kind of in the shape of a bubble letter V would be the baby.  Head on the right.
The family spent about a month all taking turns being sick with strep, bad sinus infections, and Hilton even had hand/foot/mouth.  But other than that everyone is doing great.  
Back in November, Aylin played her last soccer game and had her team party:
We did finally all get well in time for Christmas :)  We had a great one, here are some of my favorite shots from December:
We had a wonderful New Years, too.  The kids and their 2 cousins had a sleepover at Kiki's house and then she made us all brunch the next day :)
At our annual Christmas Eve family dinner Julianna, Richard, Payton, Macey, and the rest of the family got to find out what their babu #3 would be.  I got to make a reveal cake for this and I had so much fun doing it!  I had wanted to do a reveal party when I was pregnant with Hilton and it just didn't work out, but maybe it can this time around.  FYI big sister Payton had nicknamed the baby Baby TreeTop.
And finally I leave you with this, my last pic of 2013.