Saturday, January 4, 2014

The End of 2013

So I have been severely slacking in the blog department - lol - So here is a quick overview of the last 2 months.  I have been super super sick and tired all the time :( But it is all for a good reason, we are 13 weeks pregnant with baby #3.  Aylin is dead set that this is a baby girl, she has actually been telling people that mommy is having a baby girl randomly for over 6 months - crazy kid.  My morning (all day and night) sickness has been worse this time than it was with either of my previous 2 pregnancies.  I'll admit, I was secretly hoping that meant I was having twins but the ultrasound I had showed only one little baby.  I know that is probably for the best since I don't exactly have good pregnancies (I have had preeclampsia twice), but I was still a little disappointed.  Here is the only pic we have so far of baby #3, this was taken at 11 weeks and my due date is July 11th.  For those of you who can't read ultrasounds, that little blob, kind of in the shape of a bubble letter V would be the baby.  Head on the right.
The family spent about a month all taking turns being sick with strep, bad sinus infections, and Hilton even had hand/foot/mouth.  But other than that everyone is doing great.  
Back in November, Aylin played her last soccer game and had her team party:
We did finally all get well in time for Christmas :)  We had a great one, here are some of my favorite shots from December:
We had a wonderful New Years, too.  The kids and their 2 cousins had a sleepover at Kiki's house and then she made us all brunch the next day :)
At our annual Christmas Eve family dinner Julianna, Richard, Payton, Macey, and the rest of the family got to find out what their babu #3 would be.  I got to make a reveal cake for this and I had so much fun doing it!  I had wanted to do a reveal party when I was pregnant with Hilton and it just didn't work out, but maybe it can this time around.  FYI big sister Payton had nicknamed the baby Baby TreeTop.
And finally I leave you with this, my last pic of 2013.

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