Wednesday, March 25, 2015


So the blog and I have not been compatible here lately, I really don't know how I get so far behind.   While I am recovering from surgery I thought I would try to catch it up :)  I had my gallbladder removed Monday afternoon after going to the ER late Sunday night in crippling pain.  About a year ago, when the doctors found and repaired my umbilical hernia they also saw a bunch of gallstones in my gallbladder.  The surgeon did not want to do anything with them while I was pregnant b/c 2 surgeries would be too much on Weston while still in the womb.  He told me then, when they got bad it would hit like a rock and I would have to have surgery.  Sure enough, Sunday night, while at worship, it was all I could do to not sit in the pew and cry so I left early and ended up in the ER.  Dr. Andrews, who did my hernia surgery, also did this one.  I can not say enough nice things about that man, he is a wonderful doc and has GREAT bedside manners!  I am still very sore, have 4 new scars on my belly, and something happened with the breathing tube that has made my throat hurt very badly but even so, today was a little better than yesterday :)

Once again we are very thankful for my mom, who was able to come to the house Sunday night and stay with the kids until we got back home Tuesday afternoon.  She even had to deal with poor Weston, who at 9 1/2 months, pretty much only nurses.  They both survived it :)  

I don't have any pics from my hospital stint so I pulled these off the web :)  I'm glad it is hopefully all over and I don't have to have any more procedures anytime soon!

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