I really do love Pinterest, that is where I got the ideas to do these 2 crafts. Aylin's painted egg was from last year, it is the shaving cream and paint marbled technique (I loved it so much I kept it) and then this year we did footprints of the boys, which I think turned out cute :) Some other decor:
My mom came over to dye easter eggs this year. We changed it up and bought plastic eggs to dye and we gave the fingernail polish technique a try. My observations: the smell is SUPER strong (as in lasts for days), it takes A LOT of fingernail polish, and the really cheap polish didn't work as well as the more expensive brands.
Our contribution to the egg hunt with our church family (also ideas from Pinterest):
Annual egg hunt with the Southaven church of Christ:
Easter morning:
We are so blessed!