Sunday, April 12, 2015

Spring is Finally Here (just some updates and pics from my phone)

Springtime around Memphis: that brief time of year when you can spend all day outside without freezing or suffering from heat stroke because of the wicked humidity, but the wind might just blow you away.
This was Hilton's "fortune" when we went for chinese food one afternoon, I think it is very fitting ;)
The fish were hungry while we were there.
Weston is 10 months old, eating better and better, still not sleeping well, and mobile!  Hilton is struggling with this because he can't seem to keep his food or toys away from little "bubba" and it really frustrates him - lol.
 Spring found my normally happy little man sick with a bad ear infection and busted ear drum :(
 We actually had a great time at the movies.  Aylin has been fine at the movies for a while, but Hilton actually sat still and didn't try to get up and run around the whole time making it a little more enjoyable, IN FACT, we were able to watch the whole movie without getting up!  We saw HOME.
 We planted our very first mini garden :)  Thanks to the EB!  We are really hoping something might grow, but trying not to be too hopeful...I tend to not do well with this kind of stuff.
 Aylin had a day off from school and asked if she could just stay in her pajamas all day, so I let her and off we went to 3 different stores wearing our pajamas and rain boots :) Their daddy would have been mortified!
 Aylin Jewel is playing coach pitch softball this season.  So far, practices are going okay and the boys just like being outside.  Hilton continues to try and go play too.  We could have signed him up for t-ball this year at 2 (seems way early) but since he is still wearing diapers I wouldn't let him.  The boy has NO interest in using the potty on a regular basis :(
 One of Aylin's friends had a skate party yesterday and we had so much fun!  I am hoping we will get to actually use our free skate passes this summer :)  I was extremely proud of Aylin who didn't really want to go because she was scared because she couldn't skate, and even after a couple of falls she kept getting back out there and trying.  She even tried to go without the walkers for a few minutes!  :)

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