Sunday, September 20, 2015

Hilton School

When Aylin was 3 we started doing some preschool type learning activities at home.  With her, we did it all at once: letters, numbers, shapes, and colors and looking back I think it was a little too much all at the same time.  So when Hilton was 2 1/2 I started introducing colors to him, one a week.  That went over great and I had planned on continuing throughout the summer with shapes, but we never really stuck to anything.  This past week we started back up doing a little school while Weston naps.  He is learning his shapes now.  Here is Hilton's Circle Week:
We found a couple of Preschool Circle videos on You Tube which he enjoyed getting to watch and sing along with and I also put together some lessons on his ABC MOUSE account that were just about circles, which he LOVED and did over and over and over throughout the week on his own.  We made circles out of M&Ms, cheeriness, and fruit loops, too :)
 I found this idea on Pinterest, where the kids make a shape book of their own work.  I figured since we did a color book this looked and sounded like a good idea too.  We will add to the book each week with a new shape.
 We also started his "About Me Interviews."  This is something else we started with Aylin when she was 3 and have continued doing them each year.
We ended our CIRCLE week with DONUTS at Hilton's request because "they are circles momma!"

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

My Best Friend's Wedding

So I got a weekend away, no hubs and no kids, just me and my 2 best girls from HS...well and all the other people invited to the wedding :) As previously mentioned, I lost all my photos from this weekend so I stole these from others ;)  But I am so thankful that I got t fly to Chicago and spend time with my girls and watch Colleen and Brian get married.  Everything was beautiful and I am so beyond excited for them!  I met Colleen freshman year when I apparently blocked her shot like a best at basketball try-outs which caused her to hate me (I don't remember any of that), I remember first meeting Colleen when she rode with me downtown to go watch a couple of mutual friends play hockey.  It was the beginning of getting lost in terrible neighborhoods in Memphis while listening to Garth Brooks songs and a wonderful friendship.  She reintroduced me to Sammie, although we had technically known each other since 2nd grade at Crump Elementary - lol!  The 3 of us even took an AMAZING senior trip to Grand Cayman Island and while we have all gone our separate ways I still love both girls like sisters.  BFF!
Some more pics of the wedding:
Mom and Dad Fazio
The Bride and Groom:
 The nephews:
 The sisters and nieces:

August Recap

*Recently I went to Chicago for a wedding (more on that later) and we think that while my phone was hooked to a charging station in the international terminal at the O'hare airport someone tried to hack it.  Long story short, I lost all my photos and videos because for some reason my phone had not been automatically backing up since Halloween of 2014 (like I thought it was).   So, thankfully, I had posted some pics to Facebook so I did not lose EVERYTHING!  So here is a recap of August happenings taken from Facebook.*

We had our annual Power Lectureship at the Southaven church of Christ.  (Actually it was the last week of July) These have always been a GREAT source of learning and encouragement and this year was no different.  Robert and I both got to be a little more involved this year, and for that we are so very thankful.  Things at the Southaven congregation are going great!  Below are some pics of the kids during the lectureship.

Our friends, the Perrys, were down in MS where Chris was preaching a Gospel Meeting.  So we got to drive down and meet them for lunch one day.  I was so excited to see him and Danyelle and MY OTHER KIDS!

Back in June my sister and her family moved to South Carolina and we miss them VERY much, but they came back to visit with us over one weekend in August.  Of course this meant that my mom, dad, and other sister all had to come stay with us too!  LOL - it was a packed house with 13 of us in here, but it was a lot of fun!  We headed out to Mud Island and Jerry's Snowcones one day,  Robert and Richard went fishing one morning, and every night was "the best sleepover!"

We had our last swim day :(

Aylin Jewel started 1st Grade!  She was determined NOT to go back to school, but here we are, a month in and she is really liking it!  :)  We headed out for our traditional 1st day breakfast (McDonald's) and then after school to AnnOlivia's Cupcakes for our traditional 1st day after school treat.

I had a nice day of pampering in honor of my 33rd birthday!  Free birthday Starbucks, Cookie Cake slice from Great American Cookie Store, Genghis bowl, haircut, and I used my Christmas present from Bobby for a massage and pedicure.

Aylin finally lost her first tooth!  And the second :)

Weston got really sick for a about a week, he just couldn't break the fevers :( Not long after that Aylin got the dreaded stomach virus, but thankfully the rest of us drank A LOT of grape juice and actually never got it.

The boys and I started going back to story time on Tuesdays and Thursdays!

We were blessed to have a few cooler nights, so we tried to spend as much time as possible outside soaking up the fresh air :)

Finally, we had our annual Bible class promotion day, where the kids moved into their next classes.  This is always an exciting day for the kids.  Aylin was especially excited because she was moving into a combined class (1st-2nd grade), she couldn't wait to have new kids in her Bible class - lol!  Hilton was a little nervous about moving into the 3 yr old room (he is really struggling right now with anything new and being very shy) and Weston, well, he was so excited about moving into the 1yr old room that the teacher had to create a seatbelt to tie him into his seat!  My youngest is always excited and never stops moving!