Monday, October 12, 2015

September's End

September ended with the big two having strep throat and little man with a bad cold that he is still fighting off.   We had our Gospel meeting at Southaven with Cliff Goodwin that week and unfortunately I couldn't be there in person for a lot of the lessons because of the kids being sick, but the pieces of lessons I did here were great as always.  Brother Cliff always does an excellent job.  The biggest news of the month is that WESTON has TAKEN OFF!  He loves walking around and LOVES "running" away from you so that you can chase him :) 
 Of course trying to get a picture of all 3 is even harder now, b/c Wes is not happy if he is not walking around.  But hey, LOVE THESE THREE!

We did manage to squeeze in our annual trip to the fair with the Risters :)

Fair food is just AWESOME!

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