Friday, May 15, 2009

A Lot Has Happened

On May 1st my blood pressure started to rise again and the doctors decided to induce me. They let me labor for 6 hours but unfortunately in those 6 hours nothing happened and I mean nothing, so I got prepped for a C-Section. At 6:36 PM little Aylin Jewel arrived at 35 weeks and 3 days weighing 5 lbs 14 oz and measuring 19 inches long with a full head of dark hair and perfectly working lungs! In fact, she was doing so well that my little "preemie" did NOT have to go to the NICU! On May 5th they released us from the hospital, she was doing great, my BP was still high. Everything is going well, we have been home for a week and a half and today Aylin is 2 weeks old!


LeAnne Grissom said...

How beautiful. I love the head full of black hair. I just ask Danielle about you guys Saturday at the ball park and she told me you had come home. I also hear sleep in a rear jem at your house. It will get better I promise. She favors her dad in the first picture. Why is that we carry them for 9 months, gain all that wait, get stretch marks and sick and they come out looking like thier dads. Well congrats and cant wait to see more pics later. They grow up so fast....

Sheila said...

Congratulations on your beautiful bundle of joy! They do grown up way to fast (just look at Jordan) I am praying for you guys.