Saturday, July 4, 2009

VBS, 2 Months Pictures, and 1st Shots

This past week has been a busy one. We had Vacation Bible School Sunday-Wednesday which means really late nights for Aylin and long days and nights for mommy! I got a picture of the 3 Southaven girls sitting by themselves for class: Laney Claire, Micah, and Aylin. The next 3 pictures are of Aylin in class each night:

The picture above is my new favorite picture of baby girl. Below are all of us posing for a "Aylin's 1st VBS picture," it was taken right before the balloon release.

And now for the shots picture. She hated it of course, I mean what kid likes getting shots? She screamed her little head off and one of the shots bled a lot, which I did not like. But, afterwards, she pretty much just went back to normal, we did give her her 1st taste of Tylenol (grape flavored). And she got her 1st band-aids, they were Daffy Duck!
And finally, below is Aylin's 2 month picture in her rocking chair, she wouldn't wake up for these :) but she is still adorable!


Cameron and Rachel said...

I can't believe how big she is. Those poor little legs. I love your favorite pic of her.

LeAnne Grissom said...

I remember the shot days I think I cried more than the boys did and Clint would cry when Curtis got his shots, but now they laugh at each others pain to an extent. She has changed since last post. You are doing a wonderful job MOM keep up the good work. She will be grown and asking for the car keys before long. Looks like you all had fun at VBS. We had our last week too.