Sunday, August 2, 2009

The End of Summer (Lots of Pics)

Here are a lot of pics:
My Happy Little Girl!
My sick little girl:
With Daddy at BWW (Buffalo Wild Wings):

Ridin' with Payton in our truck:
Aylin's 1st trolley ride:
Aylin and I walking a million blocks downtown for some cheesecake:

Meeting Aunt Sammie:
Meeting Aunt Beanie:
HS Basketball girls reunion minus Hope:

Well the end of summer is here, for me at least, I go back to work Monday the 3rd. I am so not ready to leave baby girl, but we have a dear friend from our church family that is going to keep her for us; I know she will be well taken care of and she will spend Friday's with her daddy. It has been a rough end of the summer, way too busy. Aylin has had 2 colds and blocked tear ducts, we have had lectureship at Southaven, and we met some of Mommy's old friends. Bright side, she is still sleeping great!! In fact, last night she slept for 11 hours!!

1 comment:

LeAnne Grissom said...

Wow! Looks like you guys have been busy bees. My how she has changed. I know that they grow fast and cherish every moment with her. Just wait until you are running to practices and games. I get tired of it some times, but when they are playing I am so proud of them. They are both playing football now and both on the Irving College basketball team for later. Have a great week.