Sunday, August 23, 2009

I'm Really Bad at This

Well school started back and I feel like I have no time at all. I get up early to nurse baby girl before getting ready and leaving for the day. Then, I get home as fast as I can to hold my baby, and that is exactly what I do all night until time for bed; she is really going to be rotten!! She is doing great at daycare, Ms. Michelle from church watches her for us. School is school and I am still working on getting back into the groove of things, which is why this is so short, I have to go make my lesson plans for the week.

1 comment:

Steph said...

I hope you had an awesome birthday...I didn't forget, just horrible at calling people lately.

Glad you get to hold your little girl at the end of the day :). That's what you should be doing!