Saturday, September 11, 2010


Aylin Jewel and her daddy ended up on the front page of the Desoto Times-Tribune! The photographer said she was the cutest thing at the park!! :) I think I got better pics than he did though:

After AJ's lunch and LONG nap we filled up the pool for one last time this year :)
This sweet girl really thinks she is hot stuff!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Aylin Jewel Bug at 16 MONTHS!

Well at 16 months we are 23 lbs exactly (on our scale @ home) and have 12 TEETH!! The four in front(on the top and bottom) and 4 molars. It was a rough couple of weeks when the 4 molars and one in front decided to all come in at the same time! She is attempting to feed herself with a fork, but it's a no go with the spoon :) She knows some body parts (mostly on her face) and some animal sounds (dog, cow, horse, and pig). She says a few peoples names (mom, dad, buttercup) but mostly just squeals with excitement and bounces up and down.
The picture above was taken at AJ's Great-Grandma McCall's at a family reunion we had this past weekend. The chair she is sitting in is for a stuffed bunny rabbit, but Aylin thought it was just perfect for her. I have to agree, she looks adorable in it. And the best part was when she would try to get up, the chair would be stuck to her!!
Happy 16 months sweetie, we love you!

Happy 28th Birthday to ME!!

We celebrated my birthday at the famous Benihana's; Aylin had a blast and ate like a champ!


10 Year High School Reunion

STILL BFF's: Colleen (chiropractor in Chicago), Sammie (government worker in Washington, D.C.), and myself (5th grade teacher and preacher's wife in Olive Branch, MS)
The reunion was an all weekend event, I attended the Saturday night main event at the Historic Daisy on Beale. Above are pictures of myself and Amanda/Hope, myself, and Emily/Emily, Meghan, and Amber :)
Aylin attended a cookout Thursday night with some old friends.
Top: Sammie, me, and Colleen again/me and Stephanie (the match maker)
Bottom: Marie and Eric and their son Ayden (see the resemblance b/n father and son!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Little Gym Lover

Over the course of the summer, Aylin and I enrolled into a Mommy & Me class at the Little Gym (thanks Mrs. Linda)! We both LOVED our time there and I think Aylin's most favorite thing was the bars: she loved swinging from them and flipping over them!
She also loved ALL the climbing that she got to do. They also offered circle time (which Aylin did NOT like-sitting still is just not for her), bubbles, and ball time.
I wish we could do this all year long but as long as I have to work, the scheduling just doesn't work out. However, we will EMBRACE the Little Gym again next summer and who knows maybe around birthday time too :)
We had some Bible class friends enroll with us: that's Laney Claire on the top and Micah on the bottom!

So It's Been a Month and Half...

What can I say? Aylin Jewel started walking, the end of summer just took over, and then I had to go back to work :( So let us play the catch up game once again. The above picture is Aylin at 15 months, taken around August the 1st(she is already 16mos we will get to that later). She weighed 22.3 pounds and was almost released from physical therapy. However, the tehapists is going to keep us because AJ leads with her right foot and turns her left foot to the side and almost drags it behind her. She has to wear closed-toe shoes with special insoles in them at least half of the day. We have been doing this for a little over a month and I think she is getting better but if she is barefoot she turns that foot out again.