Monday, September 6, 2010

Aylin Jewel Bug at 16 MONTHS!

Well at 16 months we are 23 lbs exactly (on our scale @ home) and have 12 TEETH!! The four in front(on the top and bottom) and 4 molars. It was a rough couple of weeks when the 4 molars and one in front decided to all come in at the same time! She is attempting to feed herself with a fork, but it's a no go with the spoon :) She knows some body parts (mostly on her face) and some animal sounds (dog, cow, horse, and pig). She says a few peoples names (mom, dad, buttercup) but mostly just squeals with excitement and bounces up and down.
The picture above was taken at AJ's Great-Grandma McCall's at a family reunion we had this past weekend. The chair she is sitting in is for a stuffed bunny rabbit, but Aylin thought it was just perfect for her. I have to agree, she looks adorable in it. And the best part was when she would try to get up, the chair would be stuck to her!!
Happy 16 months sweetie, we love you!


Kristen said...

She is absolutely precious! Happy 16 Months Aylin! <3

Steph said...

That's an adorable picture. So sweet!!!!