Saturday, October 16, 2010

Where's the Fall Break?

So Desoto County has a 2 day Fall Break, we had the weekend and then a Monday/Tuesday off which is fine except we did not get a break!  Originally we were trying to go to the beach for a little vacation, but alas money was nowhere to be found. No worries, a staycation we would have and it would be great!...

Until Aylin was diagnosed with Strep Throat and mommy was hit with the migrain train who didn't leave the station for 2 days.  On Monday we got up and tried to go to the zoo but left after the 1st half because I could no longer function in the bright light of the sun.  I went to bed as soon as we got home and didn't wake up until Wedsnesday morning!  I did manage a few pics at the zoo before the SICKATION set in:

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