We had a fun week of playing around, visiting, and eating!
For school this week, we talked about what it means to be thankful and what kind of things we should thank God for giving to us. Aylin made turkeys for art time. On Wednesday we went to the zoo with some friends from church. We caught the sea lion show and rode the ferris wheel on this trip.
GROUP SHOTS (minus Hilton) :)
On Thursday we went to the in-law's house for Thanksgiving lunch.
Aylin helped her Nana put up Amanda's tree.
All the boys relaxing.
They dug up plants.
On Friday my parents and Grandmother came over for lunch. Aylin made Kiki and Aunt Tessa play games with her.
My grandmother, dad, and my babies:
Hilton and his only living great grandparent. I was so glad she was able to come down. Hilton was such a great baby while they were here. He just talked and laughed the entire time. I just love this pic; Hilton looks like such a big boy! :)
All in all, it was a great week and we have much to be thankful for...
especially these 2 healthy, happy babies.
And these 2 old fur babies, too.