Monday, August 19, 2013

Last Week Was a BIG One for Our Family

Aylin Jewel started preK!  She is going 2 days a week to a PDO/preK plus we are doing preK homeschool again this year.  We started last September and have never really stopped.  She knows most of her letters and numbers so we are building on that and learning sounds and beginner sight words.  I hope to do some beginner math as well but we will just have to see where the year takes us and how much she wants to do.  
we did a version of this last year, you can find it here:

Her PDO/PreK class has 8 kids in it and 2 of them are some of her "bestest friends" :)

Hilton has also grown up this week.  We got rid of his night night bottle and he now goes to bed without being rocked :(  He got to the point where he would just fight sleep when we were rocking him and he would be up for 30 mins or more before giving it up; so we took that bottle away and just put him in his crib after our night time routine.  He cries for a minute or 2 and then falls right to sleep.  I can't believe he is not a baby anymore :( 

He also had is 12 month shots this week.  The doctor was worried about the shots triggering a fever and that causing him to have a seizure so we were medicating him to try to stop all that from happening.  He ended up having 2 "mini" seizures or "absent seizures" when coming off the meds. They only lasted 5 seconds, but it was enough to keep me up most of the night and to medicate him for another 12 hours.  They said that he will hopefully grow out of those as well as the febrile seizures by 5 or 6 years old.
HI loved watching the construction workers while we waited on the DR :)

It was unseasonably beautiful here this week.  We spent a lot of time outside and went to the zoo with my sister and nieces.  We love the Memphis Zoo! 

We had a Ladies Night Out with the Southaven church of Christ.  I finally got to go to a paint party!

Aylin slept in curlers for the first time and loved her curly hair the next morning :)

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Hello August :)

August is one of my favorite months and not just because it's my birthday month ;)  
It also has my favorite week of TV...SHARK WEEK!  I am successfully passing on my love of sharks to my kids.  For those of you who do not know, one of my "Bucket List" activities is to swim with sharks and cage dive with Great Whites.  Aylin (and Bobby) say I'm crazy, but AJ is starting to come around a little bit ;)
Kids also go back to school which means we can go places and they aren't so busy!  I'm ready for our zoo days to start back and to go to the park and not worry about my littles being ran over by big kids. Not to mention we get to go to Gatlinburg, TN for Polishing the Pulpit and a mini vacation :)
 We had 2 swim days this week! One with just some mommas and kids and on Friday, Bobby's day off, we went to a friend's house and had a family swim day.  Aylin had so much fun getting to swim with her daddy.  
 Aylin finally had her 4 year old wellness check-up.  She was ecstatic that she didn't have to have any shots :)  She did great and the doctor was very pleased with her verbal communication skills.  If you know my Aylin Jewel you know that she NEVER stops talking! Ha!Ha!

Saturday, we took advantage of the cooler, cloudy day and went back to the park to play and feed the animals and this time daddy came with us.
It was a wonderful beginning to a great month!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Goodbye July

My little loves :)  
We took a lot of pics this week (I know...surprise, surprise)
We went for ice cream after Aylin's MDO/preschool open house.
Aylin has started wearing this hat all the time; she says she is the cool girl from the Minion movie!  Isn't my little man so handsome?

We spent one morning at the park playing and feeding the ducks, fish, turtles, and squirrels.  Hilton kept trying to catch the ducks and squirrels - lol
Not really sure why I too so many pictures of the kids sleeping this week?
The kids spent one morning playing beautifully together in the kitchen, literally ALL morning.  It was so sweet and adorably cute :)
We went to Kiki's house and had breakfast with the whole family :) Anytime I get to have chocolate gravy is a great day!  Aylin and Hilton both agree with me, but Bobby is on Team white gravy :P
 The girls (Aylin, Payton, and Macey) got into Kiki's foundation and used it as paint!  They painted themselves and the carpet and some toys; all the adults were in the kitchen cooking and talking...we are terrible, we know!
We ended the week at another birthday party, this one for Hilton's sweet little friend Porter.  Aylin calls him Quarter - lol
 My kids LOVE ice cream!