Saturday, September 14, 2013

What a fun 2 weeks it has been!
 We average going to the park at least once a week and here lately the ducks have literally been eating out of our hands, one even tried to jump into the stroller with Hilton to eat his puffs - lol - As you can see by the pics, Aylin is still my little sissy girl ;) and when you let Hilton down he takes off after the ducks and straight for the pond!
 Hilton has finally figured out how to slide and still loves the swings and tunnels :) Aylin just likes to be able to run and scream without me getting on to her ;)
 Last night we watched the sunset at the park; it was a truly beautiful evening.
Aylin has started playing soccer!  Our first game is next week and unfortunately we will have to miss it, but it is fun to watch her.  We have to get the girl to be a little more aggressive though - lol.  The best part is that we are playing with so many of our friends.  There are 8 kids on the team and we were already friends with 6 out of the 8 and 7 out of 8 families are members at either Southaven or Coldwater church of Christ. :)  I am really looking forward to our first soccer season!
We got to enjoy another family swim day!
We have had a great and EASY time with school work both at home and at the PreK!
Her preK did a Goodies with Grandparents, so my mom went to her school and hung out with her for an hour.  Aylin thought that was pretty cool!
We play outside as much as possible!
We went to the zoo with some friends for Stroller Safari: R is for Reptiles!
 Hilton giving the fish "fish kisses" :)
The kids changed Bible classes on promotion Sunday and Pew Packers started back :)
Finally, tonight we had a bowling event with the CHAOS group (elementary youth group) at the Strikezone.  We didn't have a big crowd, but the kids seemed to really have a good time and it would have been difficult to get more than 2 lanes side by side.
Bobby has been out of town the last couple of days, but we are excited for him to come home tomorrow afternoon and then we are off for vacation!  I'm so excited about this upcoming week!  I leave you with a video from Hilton's physical therapy; he loves this silly old toy!

He is cruising and starting to stand on his own :) we are getting closer and closer to walking!

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