Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Hilton's 20 Month Check-Up

Isn't he just the handsomest little 20 month old ever!
*He weighed in at 32lbs and 4 oz
*He is 34in in height
*He loves his Momma!
(and his Dadda, Sissy, and ""woof woof" Louie)
He is doing more and more new things every day, 
but his favorite things include:
~playing outside
~his PupPup and Paci
~Jake and the Neverland Pirates
~being naked and patting his belly (and everyone else's)
~reading books
~being in his sister's room
~bath time
~throwing a ball

His least favorite things would include:
~riding in the carseat
~being put in a high chair at a restaurant
~any and all persons in a DR's coat 
~the hair dryer
~getting his hair cut (has to be done about every 3 weeks, needs it every 2)
~not letting him into the refrigerator
~not letting him go outside

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