Monday, June 23, 2014

Kids' Stats and Check Ups

Hilton is 2 and still at the top of the charts :)  He is my only one who was born in the top percent of his height, weight, and head circumference and has stayed there.  He weighed in at 35 lbs!  My big boy is talking more and more but still prefers to just point and grunt; he is a man of few words.  He loves all things with wheels and adores his Pup Pup and Paci, unfortunately since I have been on bed rest for so long he has become even more attached to those 2 latter items and it is going to be hard on him when I make him start going without them again.  He also loves guns, throwing things, and princesses (thanks Aylin)
Weston weighed in at 6 lbs at his 2 week check up and is doing well.  He nurses pretty good, is sleeping okay, and as Aylin says, "all he does is eat, poop, and sleep!"  He is on the preemie charts and probably will be for a while.
Although Aylin had her 5 year check up in May, I forgot to post her stats on here.  She was in the 98% across the board and weighed in at 50 lbs.  She has come a long way since she spent her whole 1st year on the preemie charts :)  She had a great check up, passed all her tests, and thought it was the coolest thing ever to pee in a cup!

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