Saturday, January 15, 2011

Snowday and Soccertots

 January has found Aylin and I both sick once again so I am just now getting around to posting about our snowday!  Aylin is all better now, but I am still dealing with an ear infection :(  I love the picture above of Aylin and I in her cabin hiding from daddy and his mean snowballs!
 Daddy and Aylin sledding!
 Aylin and Buttercup hiding from daddy and his snowballs!
 Running to her cabin, she was just so excited to be outside!  We had 2 snowdays, but this was the only day we got out and played.  I was just feeling too sick the next day.

Today was our first day at Soccertots!  I didn't get any pics of Aylin with the actual soccer balls because she doesn't quite understand the "no hands" rule :)  Really we had fun, I think she was just overwhelmed because it was so big and there were new people.  Of course, the class is at 9:30 so I had to wake up the sleepyhead and she never likes that!  But we had a blast and we did have a couple of friends there with us. 
 Picking up the cones while still eating her breakfast!
 Some of our new friends along with our old ones. Our "Bible Class" and "Little Gym" buddies, Laney Claire and Micah, are in class with us.After class, we took the kiddos to the park to play for a little bit.
 Aylin Jewel
Laney Claire

Also today, AJ said Laney Claire and Micah's names for the 1st time!  She was so excited to play with her friends!

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