Monday, April 29, 2013

Hello H Week

H is for Handsome Hilton's crazy Hair! :)
I love it when HI gets out of the bath and I comb is hair back and let it dry.  I love it when he has "crazy hair day" as Aylin calls it.

We had a big event planned for H week, but the weather dampened Aylin's 1st real horseback riding trip.  I told Aylin we would reschedule in a couple of weeks and she seems to be okay with that.  So instead we built a house with legos and played with her toy horses; not quite as exciting but oh well.
Our Bible story this week was Hannah.

Monday, April 22, 2013

V Week; Great Granny Turns 80; Spring Banquet 2013; 10 Months

It was a very busy week.  We made a volcano for V week. :)  I saw it on a blog called Play At Home Mom and Aylin really enjoyed making the "pretty volcanoes erupted again, RUN!"  It is just baking soda, food coloring, and vinegar.  She also found this stick that looked like a V and brought it to me; she was so proud of herself :)
We had our Gospel Meeting at Southaven and then at the end of the week we had our annual Spring Banquet.  This is basically a Prom Alternative for our 9-12th graders.  I think this is my favorite group shot of the kids and then I threw in one of the hubby and myself on the carriage ride.
KiKi babysat for us and this is what we came home to:
On Saturday we woke up and drove to Blytheville, AR for my grandmother's 80th birthday party!
 Payton D, Hilton J, Aylin J, Brianna T, Riley T, Great Granny McCall, Macey D, Olivia T, and Ian T
 Our family shot :)
 Above: My cousin brought her 3 month old twin girls :) 
Below: I love this shot of the "big" girls playing outside.  That is Aylin and Payton with Kanon, who is actually a Great-great grandkid :)
Hilton also turned 10 months old!  Here he is with his little friend Annalise at church one night this past week.  Hilton is eating everything you give him, but still not drinking out of a sippie cup.  He still just scoots around backwards on is belly but has now started scooting on his bottom too.  He has 4 teeth with another one on the way, I think.
We also have the swingset almost finished :) I saw on Pinterest how to make an outdoor chalkboard, so I made one for Aylin and the hubby attached it to the tower.  We still need a few bags of mulch and then the sand for the sand box area.  She has the circular swing, a regular swing, a glider, a baby swing, the tower, chalkboard, slide, and a fireman's pole.  We also put together the trampoline, which is a birthday gift from Bobby's parents and us.

Monday, April 15, 2013

A G-G-G-G-G-Great Week

We had a great G week.  
We had a lot of errands to run, a door-knocking campaign at our congregation for our Gospel Meeting that is currently taking place, and headed out to the Willis House to check out their animals that begin with the letter G.  Our Bible stories were reviews over the Good Samaritan, Our God is Great, and Goliath.  **Special thanks to Tabitha Willis for teaching us all about the different animals on her farm!
 She didn't show it while we were there, but after we got home all she could talk about was this adorable baby goat!
They also had big goats, a guinea pig, and geese!
And Cows and cats and dogs... but they don't start with G :)

Aylin also FINALLY had her 1st T-Ball game!

Batting :) The first time up she barely hit the ball but the second time up she had a great hit straight down the 3rd base line.  She was so proud of herself!

Everyone's favorite part of T-ball...FIELDING!
She was really into picking up gum balls and digging in the dirt!  I loved every minute of it!
Aylin and 2 of her best buddies :)
 Aylin and Reed
Melanie and Aylin

Monday, April 8, 2013

Over the Last 3 Weeks...

...We have covered letters M and U, numbers 19 and 20, and had another review week.
...Aylin has finally learned how to use my MacBook Pro!

M week: M&M cookies and Meatball Pizzas and using the Map to explore; Bible story: Moses

U Week: Umbrellas and Unicorns; Bible story: Uzziah (no pictures)

After 5 letters we do a review week.  We also made our Spring handprint picture for our season collage.  Only one more season left!

...We had company twice!
Chris and Cydney Jane Perry brought a possible future Memphis School of Preaching student down to tour the school, so while the boys were busy doing that AJ and CJ got to have a long over due play date.  They had not seen each other since August!
 Then Brian, Karen, and Elijah Reed came to stay with us during the MSOP Lectureship and Hilton got to have some guy time - LOL!

...Easter came!
We dyed eggs:
Had our Egg Hunt with our congregation:
Both of my kids were scared of the EB this year :(
(I made their shirts this year)
What I made for the hunt:
Group shot:
The Easter Bunny always leaves a trail of eggs to the baskets.
Aylin's haul:
Hilton's 1st Easter:
Love my babies :)
I figured I would throw in some of our annual Spring Cousins' Pictures here, this year we used Oh Snappy Day Photography:
 Macey Jo, Aylin Jewel, Payton Renee, and Hilton Isaiah

...Aylin had her 1st T-Ball Practice:
I am beyond excited that Aylin's 1st sport's experience involves 4 of her friends and ours and their Christian families!
Aylin, Georgia, and Melanie "listening" to coach :)
 Reed, Aylin, and Titus holding hands with their teammates trying to make a circle :)
 First time at bat
 First time running the bases
Had to get this shot of our next set of T-ballers: Abigail, Hilton, and Porter 3 years until it is your turn!