Monday, April 15, 2013

A G-G-G-G-G-Great Week

We had a great G week.  
We had a lot of errands to run, a door-knocking campaign at our congregation for our Gospel Meeting that is currently taking place, and headed out to the Willis House to check out their animals that begin with the letter G.  Our Bible stories were reviews over the Good Samaritan, Our God is Great, and Goliath.  **Special thanks to Tabitha Willis for teaching us all about the different animals on her farm!
 She didn't show it while we were there, but after we got home all she could talk about was this adorable baby goat!
They also had big goats, a guinea pig, and geese!
And Cows and cats and dogs... but they don't start with G :)

Aylin also FINALLY had her 1st T-Ball game!

Batting :) The first time up she barely hit the ball but the second time up she had a great hit straight down the 3rd base line.  She was so proud of herself!

Everyone's favorite part of T-ball...FIELDING!
She was really into picking up gum balls and digging in the dirt!  I loved every minute of it!
Aylin and 2 of her best buddies :)
 Aylin and Reed
Melanie and Aylin

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