Friday, June 10, 2011

The Drive (Friday)

The night before we left, Aylin and I painted our toenails :)

I was very worried about the drive down to the Gulf.  Aylin Jewel is not the greatest of riders and honestly, I was dreading this part so much that I didn't really want to go on the trip!  It turned out to be
She did great.  I left work at noon, came home, loaded up Rosie (the Nissan Cube), and we were on our way.  We drove about an hour or so and stopped for lunch, then got back on the road.  She let us drive straight through Mobile before we stopped again for dinner!
In fact, she did great the whole time we were gone with riding.  She actually stills asks to go get into the car.  There were a few things that helped us get through the drive:
And of course our PACI, LOVEY, BEAR, and BABIES!

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